Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Practice, Practice

Gig sunday in London at the Wheelbarrow in Camden with the foreign office.
Then we go touring next week


Wednesday, 16 February 2011


Didn't quite manage to get any footage of the Brighton gig.
This is probably the closest recollection...

Lexington tomorrow night with Ringo Deathstarr

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


No more illness, we can play gigs again now. First one up is on Saturday in Brighton with Sad day for Puppets, who are good. When i was in Sweden last year i picked up a copy of their album on recommendation and wasn't disappointed, so it's a pleasure to play with them whilst they're over in the UK.

We've been practicing how to play our songs and have been doing promo stuff for our album. We'll be announcing release date/tracklisting/artwork and title sooon.

It is NOT called 'Ham dust', 'The Bungalow', or 'Guess what! Nothing.' (anymore)

Love us x

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Ones to watch // Fly Magazine


We are featured in the 'ones to watch' section of The Fly magazine this month.
Pick up a copy of view online an online version HERE